Wellness Services | eCare

  • Hospital Visit

    To request a hospital visit, please email ecare@e2church.com and provide the following information: Your name, phone number, and any important details pertaining to your request.

  • Memorial Service

    To request memorial service assistance, please email ecare@e2church.com and provide the following information: Your name, phone number, name of memorialized individual, date/time/location of memorial service, and any important details pertaining to your request.

  • Financial Assistance

    To request financial assistance, please email ecare@e2church.com and provide the following information: Your name, phone number, reason for your request, and details pertaining to what you are requesting.

  • Mental Health Resources

    To request information regarding mental health resources, please email ecare@e2church.com and provide the following information: Your name, phone number, and any important details pertaining to your request.

Don’t see what you’re looking for?

Contact us at ecare@e2church.com and tell us more. We will contact you with any resources or assistance we can provide.